
Congratulations to the high school Science Research students who did an amazing job at Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) back in January in Hilo, HI, giving 12-minute oral presentations on their research to the judges, other students, and teachers. Kian S. (12) – 2nd Overall; will represent ULS & 
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A huge congratulations to our student scientists for being promoted to States from the Honolulu District Fair. They will compete against the top projects at the Hawaiʻi State Science & Engineering Fair on April 1st-2nd. Kian S. placed 1st for the THIRD year in a row, securing a spot at 
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Spring is in the air and students will be out of school from 3/17-3/21. Weʻll be back on campus on 3/24!
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Thank you to everyone who came out to support the ULS 2025 Pāʻina! We had a lot of fun while raising money for our school. Attendees had their pick of exciting activities: watching our talented students perform on stage, playing games with prizes for every age, supporting seniors for Project 
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On Wednesday, March 5th, the ULS 4th and 5th grade classroom was visited by undergraduate students from the UH Mānoa Information and Computer Science (ICS) department. They, along with their program advisors, received grant funding to teach Hawai’i keiki about coding. The session was fun, informative and interactive. We have 
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University Laboratory School students were recognized this past weekend at the Hawaii Regional of the National Scholastic Art Award ceremony held at the Capitol Modern Art Museum (Hawaii State Art Museum). ULS students received top awards for their artwork in multiple art/media categories. Special recognition goes to senior Isabella T. 
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Congrats to ULS Speech and Debate on a fantastic performance at the HSL District Speech Tournament on March 1. Nine students broke to the final rounds in their categories! Kudos to Harshith B. (12) and Audrey S. (10) who each won first place and took home Gold Medals in International 
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Aloha Students, Parents, Faculty, Alumni, and Supporters of ULS: University Laboratory School (ULS) will be holding its annual Pā‘ina on our campus from 10:00am-3:00pm on Saturday, March 8, 2025.  Come and spend some time with the ULS ‘Ohana as we celebrate the 2025 Pā‘ina with great food, a talent showcase 
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Everyone crushed it for our February Recycling Drive! With your help, our school collected thousands of cans and bottles as well as other recyclable goods diverted from the landfill. Mahalo to everyone who donated and volunteered for the event. We’re glad to spread the ULS volunteer spirit and make the 
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We had such a fun time hosting students from Bukkyo University during their visit February 12, 2025! The students spent time with our elementary school as they completed their academic lessons and played a little tennis during PE. The elementary schoolers were also treated to group activities run by the 
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