The University Laboratory School Performing Arts program strives to prove a well-balanced education for the students, and is dedicated to giving them the opportunity to grow musically, socially, and academically. Through performances, students learn how to perform and appreciate music in a variety of styles and levels of difficulty.

Instructor: Ira Wong
Grade Levels: 11, 12
The ULS High School Symphonic Band II is comprised of 6th and 7th year wind and percussion instrumentalists. Classroom activities are designed to further develop elements of musicianship including tone production, technical skills, intonation, music reading skills, listening skills, and studying historically significant styles of literature. Students will continue to study a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate concert band literature, technical studies, and develop the ability and artistry to convey a composer’s intent in the performance of music.
Instructor: Ira Wong
Grade Levels: 9, 10
The ULS High School Symphonic Band I is comprised of 4th and 5th year wind and percussion instrumentalists. Classroom activities are designed to develop elements of musicianship including tone production, technical skills, intonation, music reading skills, listening skills, and studying historically significant styles of literature. Students study a varied repertoire of developmentally appropriate concert band literature, technical studies, and develop the ability and artistry to convey a composer’s intent in the performance of music.
Instructor: Ira Wong
Grade Level: 7, 8
The ULS Intermediate Band is comprised of second and third-year wind and percussion instrumentalists. The Intermediate Band is for students who already have an understanding of basic music reading, instrument assembly and maintenance, correct playing position and sound tone production. Instruction offers continued focus on the refinement of tone quality, technique, aural skills and music literacy.
Instructor: Ira Wong
Grade Level: 6
The ULS Beginning Band is comprised of first year wind and percussion instrumentalists. The course is designed for beginning-level musicians with emphasis the development of basic playing skills. Basic skill development with note reading, rhythms and note recognition are essential learning targets for each student throughout the year.
Instructor: Rebecca Chock / Diane Koshi
Grade Level: 11, 12
At this advanced level, the student will be able to speech–sing the songs in rhythm and learn the music by solfege. While this takes time, the students will have the entire semester to work on this.
Instructor: Rebecca Chock / Diane Koshi
Grade Level: 9, 10
At this tertiary level, the students will learn to apply solfège to their songs and learn even more complicated rhythm. The students are expected to apply all of their prior learning to the current music.
Instructor: Rebecca Chock
Grade Level: 7, 8
At this secondary level, the students will learn complicated rhythm, and incorporate the musical symbols, terms and rhythm into their music. The students will learn the words in rhythm and sing in unison as well as parts.
Instructor: Rebecca Chock
Grade Level: 6
As a beginning group, the students will learn basic music skills that include basic rhythm, musical symbols, musical terms and then create accurate pitches. The students will also learn how to perform.
Instructor: David Hamano
Grade Level: 11, 12
In Concert Strings, students are introduced to the advanced technical skills that are necessary to perform the standard professional works of the orchestral literature. By year’s end, students are able to play a three octave scale, to locate notes that extend beyond the fourth position, and to utilize a vibrato that has variable speed and amplitude. The students Concert Strings will prepare several pieces to be performed with the Intermediate Strings so that both classes can experience the size and power of a large string orchestra.
Instructor: David Hamano
Grade Level: 9, 10
In Intermediate Strings, students are introduced to the complex technical skills that make artistic expression possible. By year’s end, students are able to play two octave scales in all keys, to comfortably navigate positions one through four on the fingerboard, and to utilize a vibrato with consistent speed and amplitude. The students Intermediate Strings will prepare several pieces to be performed with the Concert Strings so that both classes can experience the size and power of a large string orchestra.
Instructor: David Hamano
Grade Level: 7, 8
In Beginning Strings, students develop the skills required to make music in an orchestral setting. By year’s end, students are able to play one octave scales in the seven fundamental keys, to read music in different keys with moderate fluency, and to perform music in which each instrument group moves independently.
Instructor: David Hamano
Grade Level: 6
In Grade 6 Strings, students are introduced to the fundamental skills of playing a stringed instrument both individually and as a group. Students begin the year learning how to hold the instrument and bow. By year’s end, students are able to play three basic scales, to name the notes on the staff, to interpret simple rhythmic notation, and to “echo” a simple melody performed by the instructor after one or two listenings.