The mission of Multimedia is to produce on-going, current news of the students and the school, provide important digital and print media for the school’s various outreach and communication efforts, and serve as the webmaster for the school’s web site. In addition, Multimedia provides the school community with the annual Yearbook and similar publications. It is a source of current news and feature articles, and similar information in the School Life section of the school website.
Finally, Multimedia provides students with 21st century venues for narrative, artistic and aesthetic expression. Multimedia classes offer students the opportunity to work in production environments similar to real world experiences and create products that have value to our school community and beyond. Multimedia classes incorporate several traditional disciplines and marry them into a uniquely modern discipline, sometimes referred to as Communication Arts, Media Arts, or Mass Media.
Foundational classes in Multimedia include ‘Ūniki (the school’s yearbook publication) and Digital Photography. Periodically, other classes are offered as student interests or school needs dictate, such as Digital Filmmaking or Animation and Design.
In addition to the school’s yearbook, ‘Ūniki, Multimedia students exhibit their animation, film and photography work through their ULSMedia YouTube channel and their hyper-local visual journal, ULShoots.

Welcome to the Lab School
“Welcome to the Lab School” is a production of the ULSMedia Group. It offers a brief look into the diverse nature of the Laboratory School curriculum, daily student life and the diversity embraced in the school’s K-12 environment.
Directed, filmed and edited by Shuhei Aoki and Alyssa Redoble (Class of 2014) and Chris Zorn.
Music: “Glimpses” by Chris Zorn.
Life at the Lab School - 2014
“Life at the Lab School – 2014” is a ULSMedia production describing the different disciplines of knowledge that form the foundation of the school’s constructivist, experiential curriculum. It features interviews with teachers and students along with footage of a broad range of student activities and daily life.
Directed, filmed and edited by Shuhei Aoki and Alyssa Redoble (Class of 2014), and Chris Zorn.
Music: “Africa” & “Gentle Family” by Apple, Inc., “Pamgaea” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com), “Perspective”, “Tobatana”, “The Point”, “Misdial” and “Stronger Than You Thought” by Chris Zorn (www.czorn.net). Used with permission.
Multimedia COURSES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
‘Ūniki is the Yearbook of the University Laboratory School. Students in this class are tasked with the responsibility of composing, constructing, and editing the articles, photographs, and layouts for the annual ULS yearbook publication. While this class is an elective, students are expected to spend time outside class (home, weekends, after school, off-campus) to create an engaging and memorable yearbook.