Aloha and Welcome to the University Laboratory School.
The University Laboratory School (ULS) is a public charter school that serves its diverse student population as well as its research constituency while providing a model for school design that delivers a broad liberal arts education to its students and has compiled an outstanding record of success.
University Laboratory School exists in partnership with the University of Hawai‘i – College of Education as a laboratory for curriculum innovation, demonstration, and dissemination. The partnership serves to provide an exploration and inventing ground to improve learning, teaching, and assessment across subject areas and grade levels. The school continues to serve as an experiment in public education in which a heterogeneous population of students have opportunities to learn in a comprehensive, liberal arts curriculum accessible to all regardless of gender, income, ethnicity, or perceived ability.
ULS assumed its present mission and structure in 1966 as part of its change from a teacher education laboratory school to an education research support unit devoted primarily to changes in the curriculum of PreK-12 schools.
The basic ideas and values behind both the research and development activity and the ULS academic program have been taken largely from King and Brownell’s work, The Curriculum and the Disciplines of Knowledge, which held that (a) all should be educated; (b) all should be given a liberal education built primarily upon the disciplines of knowledge; (c) the education for the best should be the education for the rest; and (d) students should not be separated from their peers in the educational setting by differentiated curricula or tracking. These principles set the standard for the school’s programs and for its long-standing non-tracking, heterogeneous grouping system.
University Laboratory School continues the proud tradition of Kulia i ka Nu‘u (Striving for the Highest) and Holomua (Moving Forward) and makes ULS a place where each child can fulfill the school’s vision that “all students graduate ready for college, work, and responsible citizenship.”
I invite you to explore our website to learn more about the University Laboratory School.
A. Keoni Jeremiah
Aloha and Welcome to the University Laboratory School.
The University Laboratory School (ULS) is a public charter school that serves its diverse student population as well as its research constituency while providing a model for school design that delivers a broad liberal arts education to its students and has compiled an outstanding record of success.
University Laboratory School exists in partnership with the University of Hawai‘i – College of Education as a laboratory for curriculum innovation, demonstration, and dissemination. The partnership serves to provide an exploration and inventing ground to improve learning, teaching, and assessment across subject areas and grade levels. The school continues to serve as an experiment in public education in which a heterogeneous population of students have opportunities to learn a comprehensive, liberal arts curriculum accessible to all regardless of gender, income, ethnicity, or perceived ability.
ULS assumed its present mission and structure in 1966 as part of its change from a teacher education laboratory school to an education research support unit devoted primarily to changes in the curriculum of PreK-12 schools.
The basic ideas and values behind both the research and development activities and the ULS academic program have been taken largely from King and Brownell’s work, The Curriculum and the Disciplines of Knowledge, which held that (a) all should be educated; (b) all should be given a liberal education built primarily upon the disciplines of knowledge; (c) the education for the best should be the education for the rest; and (d) students should not be separated from their peers in the educational setting by differentiated curricula or tracking. These principles set the standard for the school’s programs and for its long-standing non-tracking, heterogeneous grouping system.
- ULS is a site for research and development as a partner with COE.
- Research and development program continues its long-term documentation of student learning in an inquiry, performance-based curriculum.
- Classes remain open to visitors as a demonstration site of exemplary COE-ULS produced curriculum such as DASH, FAST, Algebra, Performance English, Art, high school social studies, and more.
- Researchers continue to work closely with ULS teacher-researchers to develop new ideas, demonstrate proven ones, and provide direct services to students in exploring new approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment.
- We continue to collect data on the school as a research project, inquiring into what makes the school work and the importance of teachers, curriculum, and student supports in successful outcomes for students.
- ULS with support from our research partners continues to provide the best possible education for our students.
University Laboratory School continues the proud tradition of Kulia i ka Nu‘u (Striving for the Highest) and Holomua (Moving Forward) and makes ULS a place where each child can fulfill the school’s vision that “all students graduate ready for college, work, and responsible citizenship.”
I invite you to explore our website to learn more about the University Laboratory School.
A. Keoni Jeremiah